Parent Tip: “One and Done” Catch Phrase to Stop Repetitive Language from Your Child
A common parent complaint I get is repetitive language from their child(ren), where the child repeats the same thing over and over again until it drives the parent(s) crazy. Often it’s a request for a desired item (“Mom, can I have a cookie? … mom, can I have a cookie? … mom, can I have […]
How Much Of What I Say Does My Child Understand? Part 2 of 2 – Ask Sarah Series
This week, I’m continuing to answer Mary’s question from last week about how much her son, who has been recently diagnosed with autism, can understand when she speaks to him, and how she should talk to him. I explained to Mary that her son’s speech and language evaluation will provide information about her son’s receptive language and auditory […]
How Much Of What I Say Does My Child Understand? Part 1 of 2 – Ask Sarah Series

My son was just diagnosed. He only has a couple of words. I try to talk to him like I would his older brother hoping this helps, but he just looks off like I’m talking Martian! Should I not talk to him like a typical kid? Help! -Mary Hi Mary, By now, your son should […]